NBI Digital Repository Documentation

Instructions to curate and upload research output supported by NBI

General Workflow

This is an overview of the process that moves reserach outputs (reports and datasets) from researchers to final upload on the repository. It is tailored to the NBI committee member’s point of view.


Definitions of Roles

Researcher Responsibilities:

Submit a report and data plan one year after receiving funds from NBI and choose one option for dataset(s):

  1. Submit data with report for upload.
  2. Submit data with report and agree to the default two year embargo period for upload, or arrange a different embargo timeline.
  3. Submit a report only and agree to a custom embargo time period.

NBI Responsibilities:

Assist researchers with metadata and data curation to ensure high quality resources on the repository. High level tasks are:

  1. Collect both reports and datasets from reseachers
  2. Track embargo periods for individual researchers
  3. Curate data to repository standards
  4. Apply metadata fully and accurately.
  5. Upload research outputs once a year.

The following flowchart illustrates how research outputs move from the researcher to upload on the repository. Flow chart showing upload decision making process

Collecting Reports and Data Plan

The Wrangler, the NBI Committee member who works closely with an NBI funded researcher, is the point person for collecting the report and data from the researcher because they are in the best position to apply metadata correctly and easily. The Wrangler will help the researcher complete three items:

Curating Data

If the Wrangler received a dataset, they are responsible for curating the data following the directions in the Curation section.

Metadata and File Submission

With the final report, the data plan, and hopefully the curated data in hand, the Wrangler is then responsible for packaging the files and the information about the files (the metadata) for eventual upload to Zenodo. The Wrangler uses a Google Form made available by NBI to record metadata (e.g. title, authors, keywords). The Wrangler will also move the research output files to a Google Drive folder for later access by the Uploader. If the dataset(s) is to be embargoed, the Wrangler puts the dataset in the embargo folder in the Google drive. No matter where the dataset goes, the report goes to the annual upload folder.

After this, the Wrangler’s direct responsibilities end.

Preparing for Upload

Once a year, the NBI committee member designated as the Uploader assembles all the submissions from the previous grant period. The Uploader also checks for data that has expired embargo dates, contacts those researchers to get permission to publish, and adds those datasets to the current submission set. After making sure there are either metadata submissions or an existing Zenodo page for every file ready for upload, the Uploader is ready to begin the upload process. Details for this process are here.


The Uploader signs into the NBI Zenodo account and uploads all the files for the year. Metadata is copied and pasted from the metadata spreadsheet created by NBI Wranglers using the Google form.