NBI Digital Repository Documentation

Instructions to curate and upload research output supported by NBI

How Data is used in the NBI Digital Repository

The NBI Digital Repository is a collection of data and reports, maintained by NBI, hosted on Zenodo. Zenodo is a free, open-source platform created by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, to preserve scientific data. For more information about the components of the repository, check out About the Repository.

Access & Re-use

Data and reports uploaded to the NBI Digital Repository are open access and can be viewed and downloaded by anyone. These data and reports are also searchable as part of the larger Zenodo repository. This allows other researchers, scientists, students, designers, and others to find, view, download, and credit your research. This open access environment creates the conditions for larger collaboration among scientists and thinkers. For more information about open access science, go here.

Most content uploaded to the NBI Digital Repository is licensed as Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. For more information about licensing, take a look at Specifications & Technical Details.


Zenodo is dedicated to securely preserving the digital data, reports, images, and other information that are uploaded to it. Take a look at Zenodo’s Principles for more information about how Zenodo is adhering to data management industry best practices. For more information about Zenodo’s infrastructure and security, go here.


When data have been shared, researchers are required to cite the dataset they have used, just as literature is cited. In the case where data are re-used for analytical purposes, it should be cited as well. This method acknowledges the value of the data, and ensures credit to researchers. Each report and dataset is given a digital object identifier (DOI) upon upload that permanently links to it. This allows content hosted on Zenodo to be easily accessed with credit given to the appropriate author(s). It also allows researchers to easily link their work to a personal site, CV, or other web presence. Researchers may add their ORCID, a unique identifier for researchers and scholarly authors, to the data and reports that will be uploaded to the NBI Digital Repository.


Each report and dataset contained within the NBI Digital Repository is uploaded individually. We have designed the repository and workflow to minimize errors, but they may still happen. If you spot an error, please contact an NBI committee member.