NBI Digital Repository Documentation

Instructions to curate and upload research output supported by NBI

Submitting Data & Reports

When an NBI funded research project has concluded and associated data and reports are ready to be shared, the researcher will complete the following steps. This process has been thoughtfully designed to gather information that will best represent the data and reports so that they can be preserved and cited accurately in perpetuity. For more information about how the NBI Digital Repository works, check out About the Repository. Take a look at the Using Data page for more information about how uploaded data and reports are used and cited.

Definitions of Roles

Flow chart showing upload decision making process

Step 1

Gather Data and Reports

Once the NBI funded research has concluded, the researcher will contact their Wrangler, the NBI Committee member who has worked closely with them throughout their NBI funded research. The researcher will work with their Wrangler to complete these three items:

Step 2

Submit files and maintain contact

When the NBI funded researcher and their Wrangler have completed the three required items, they must be formally submitted to NBI through the Wrangler. The report and dataset will next be assigned metadata by the Wrangler. During the process of assigning metadata, the Wrangler may need to contact the researcher to answer questions related to the research. It is important that the researcher is responsive to requests for information.

Step 3

Data and Reports are uploaded by NBI

The Wrangler hands off data, reports, and related metadata to the Uploader, the NBI committee member designated to upload content to the repository. Data and reports will be added to the repository by the Uploader annually. If a researcher has requested that their data be embargoed, NBI will adhere to this request and the associated timeline.