NBI Digital Repository Documentation

Instructions to curate and upload research output supported by NBI

Expectations for NBI Researchers

A researcher who receives an NBI grant is expected to submit a report of their work by February 15 of the following year. Additionally, NBI strongly encourages, but does not require, researchers to submit data with their reports for inclusion in the digital repository. With this in mind, NBI expects researchers to work with an NBI committee member to create a data plan (see Submitting Data and Reports section). This plan outlines how the reseracher will store their data.

Report Expectations

The report can be in a format that is appropriate to the research. At a minimum please include a title, author(s) and affiliation(s), an abstract, and a description of the methods, sampling locations, and results. Where applicable, the report should include information on voucher specimens for all species collected.

Data Expectations

Ideally, the data should be cleaned by the researcher following the curation protocol. An NBI committee member can assist with this process. Data should not be summarized. The goal of publishing data is to create the possibility that a current or future researcher can build upon the work (and cite the data!).